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 Anchor's Aweigh! 

 Congratulations fer joinin' us 
 on this Summer Music Adventure 

The adventure begins on Monday, July 2

'n concludes wit' a Pirate Fest 'n Potluck

on Saturday, August 25 at 6 pm

Classes, lessons, 'n Pirate Fest take place aboard Th' Spectacular Sparrow

at Th' Lark's Nest Music Studio in Ballard


All pirate participants be invited t' share their music at this Fest,

whilst friends 'n fam'ly enjoy th' music 'n fine food.

 Yer Cap'n Carol Sparrow 


Cap'n Carol be a seasoned pro wit' o'er 35 years o' teachin' 'n performin' from th' East Coast, t' th' mid-West, 'n now on th' West Coast.  Her bio kin be found elsewhere on this splendid website!  She loves oppertunities t' help others express themselves 'n create beauty through music exploration.


Her speedy ship, Th' Spectacular Sparrow, be docked in th' 1100 block o' NW 61st St. in Ballard, where 5 pianos 'n a bevy o' other instruments 'n musical games abound.  Th' Lark's Nest rests atop a tall mast, protected by various crew members, fer gold coins 'n other treasures kin be found there.  Dare t' climb 'n see?


 How t' Enroll 


Once ye figure out:

  • yer instrument t' play - piano or ukulele

  • the crew t' join fer yer age group

Though, iffen ye chose ukulele, th' crew is

Trrrific Troubadors fer all ages!



Then, choose yer adventure!  3 or more sails!


Dippin' Yer Toe

Enrollment Fee - $25 before July 1

$35 after June 30

Adventure Fee - $140


Pick 3 Sailin' Dates

Git a Pirate Packet o' music 'n more

Come tth' Pirate Fest 'n Potluck



A Pirate Life Fer Me

Enrollment Fee - $25 before July 1

$35 after June 30

Adventure Fee - $246


Pick 6 Sailin' Dates

Git th' full Pirate Packet o' music 'n more

Come tth' Pirate Fest 'n Potluck



Argh! I Be Wantin' A Longer Adventure

Enrollment Fee - $25 before July 1

$35 after June 30

Adventure Fee - $280 or more

dependin' on th' # of Sailin' Dates ye choose


Custom plan yer summer adventure

wit' Cap'n Carol!

Git th' full Pirate Packet o' music 'n more

Come t' th' Pirate Fest 'n Potluck



Next, pic' 'n choose th' days 'n times t' sail!

Choose from yer crew's sailin' schedule t' best fit yer own personal summer plans...include private lessons or group classes or a combination o' both!


Finally!  Fill out th' enrollment form. 

Ye will receive a personal reply wit' link t' send yer Enrollment Fee via PayPal. 

Caution! Th' Enrollment Fee is non-refundable.


Reserve yer place as soon as possible,

fer space be limited 'n musical fun guaranteed! 

Don't miss out!

special offer!

  Special thanks t' many o' Th' Lark's Nest Music Studio Students o' 2017-2018 fer providin' such terrific visuals !!!  
 Enroll Me Now, Cap'n Carol ! 

Cap'n Carol Thanks Ye! Anchor's Aweigh!


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